What is Trap, Neuter, Return (TNR)

“The primary goal of a community TNR program is to reduce the free-roaming cat population. Other objectives include improving public health and providing as good a level of care for the cats as reasonably possible. Another goal that has emerged in recent years is the direct lowering of euthanasia at open admission shelters through Return to Field programs.”   “PetSmart Charities Community TNR: Tactics and Tools,” by Bryan Kortis.

The book offers a blueprint of how to use Trap-Neuter-Return to reduce overpopulation in a whole community—with tactics and tools that can be adapted to fit your unique situation.

You can get a digital copy, a print copy, or both.

Click here to download your free digital copy.

Click here to buy your print copy.

Thank you for partnering with PetSmart Charities to save even more pets’ lives.


Alley Cat Allies is a wealth of information…lots of resources for anyone who finds, cares for and crosses the path of neighborhood and community cats.

Click here for their resource page:  https://www.alleycat.org/resources-page/



Neighborhood Cats have people on the ground in New York City and Jersey City, and on the island of Maui in Hawaii. They are out there every day trapping, helping caretakers, working with animal shelters, teaching workshops and launching new programs.

Their website is a wealth of knowledge on Trap, Neuter, Return (TNR)…if you need resources, this is one great place to start!  From the basics of TNR, to trapping and colony maintenance…click here:  https://www.neighborhoodcats.org/how-to-tnr/getting-started/the-7-steps-of-tnr